Skin in The Game Booklet

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Intact America’s SKIN IN THE GAME: CIRCUMCISION CUTS THROUGH US ALL is a 42-page paperback filled with powerful black-and-white images and accompanying text that communicates the trauma and harm caused by the routine cutting of the genitals of baby boys. This thought-provoking book educates readers on this medically unnecessary surgery that is a violation of children’s rights and perpetuated by the fee-for-service medical machine.

Those who would benefit from this book include: expectant parents, medical professionals, midwives, doulas, lactation specialists, librarians, and academics. The booklet should be required reading in fields ranging from bioethics to human sexuality to trauma-informed psychology to gender studies and more.

Print copies (from quantities of 1-100) may be ordered directly from our publisher and sales benefit Intact America, a 501c3 nonprofit.


In her eye-opening memoir, This Penis Business: A Social Activist’s Memoir, Georganne Chapin, Intact America’s founding executive director, exposes the business of medical circumcision. Her book is a punch-in-the-gut wake-up call that will enrage and empower anyone impacted by the multi-billion-dollar penis business. Human rights activist Marilyn Fayre Milos has written a warm and compelling memoir of her path to becoming “the founding mother of the intactivist movement.” Please Don’t Cut the Baby!: A Nurse’s Memoir chronicles how what started as an effort to become a certified nurse midwife promoting natural childbirth turned into a more than 40-year quest to end the practice of medically unnecessary routine circumcision.